You are powerful provided you know how powerful you are.
-Yogi Bhaja
ADHD is defined as a unique brain wiring which requires engaged interest with a clear purposeful intention in order to activate and access attention, to manage the brain’s executive functions. (ADD Coach Academy)
It better be interesting.
People with ADHD are able to focus when they are doing something that interests them. If there is little interest in a subject, activity, conversation, the brain cannot sustain focus that the average person can.
Not enough juice.
Researchers have found that the ADHD brain has a deficit of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that impacts mood, attention. motivation and regulation. Without sincere interest, the ADHD brain cannot produce enough dopamine to sustain expected attention. motivation or interest.
Everyone is an executive.
Executive Functions are a set of cognitive processes that are necessary for controlling behavior and achieving goals. People with ADHD struggle with multiple executive functions which can create great challenges in daily life.
ADHD Coaching help clients build on their strengths, identify challenges, clarify goals and take purposeful action. With commitment and support, clients experience increased self confidence, satisfaction and success.
Executive Functions Defined
The ability to keep track of things.
The Ability to evaluate oneself.
The ability to take steps towards goals.
Impulse control
The ability to think before doing.
Emotional regulation
The ability to keep feelings in check.
The ability to start and stay on task
Working memory
The ability to keep key information
in mind.
Flexible thinking
The ability to adjust to the unexpected.
Strong executive function…
helps bring us into balance.
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
— Maya Angelou